Valve patent proposes a 1000Hz frequency VR headset internal and external positioning tracking system

2021-08-09 The article translated by software

From Lighthouse 1 to Lighthouse 2, Valve's products have always been one of the best external-inward positioning and tracking systems in the industry. For the next generation of Lighthouse 3, what expectations do you have? According to a patent published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office a few days ago, V agency is exploring an internal and external positioning and tracking system with a frequency of up to 1000 Hz.

The company pointed out in a patent application entitled "Position tracking system for head-mounted display systems that includes angle sensitive detectors" that the difference between inside-out tracking and outside-in tracking lies in the location of the camera or sensor. For unmarked inside-out tracking, the camera or sensor is an onboard component of the headset. For outside-in tracking using markers, the camera or sensor is located at a fixed position in the environment.

Unmarked inside-out tracking mainly uses one or more forward sensors to determine the change of the head-mounted display position relative to the environment. The system can use unique features (such as natural features) that initially exist in the environment to determine location and orientation, while algorithms recognize specific images or shapes and use them to calculate the device's location in space. In addition, data from accelerometers and gyroscopes can be used to improve the accuracy of position tracking.

Related patents: Valve Patent | Position tracking system for head-mounted display systems that includes angle sensitive detectors

The patent application named "Position tracking system for head-mounted display systems that includes angle sensitive detectors" was originally filed in January 2020 and was published by the US Patent and Trademark Office a few days ago.


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