VR sports training analysis Rezzil completes £2 million financing

2021-07-27 The article translated by software

Rezzil, a UK-based VR sports training and analysis startup, has announced that it has completed a round of financing of more than £2 million (approximately RMB 17.91 million). The team plans to use the funds to promote its consumer-centric sports training platform Player 22.

Rezzil’s investors include football stars Thierry Henry, Gary Neville, Vincent Kompany, Michael Antonio, Tyrone Mings and Anthony Watson. According to Crunchbase data, the Manchester-based company's total investment has reached 3.8 million pounds.

Founded in 2017, Rezzil mainly provides post-match analysis, virtual training, and rehabilitation tools that can monitor and track the recovery of players. Now the team is preparing to promote to consumers Player 22, a sports training platform that was originally focused on the professional field (coming soon. Quest Store). According to reports, just like its professional training technology, Player 22 is designed and tested by UEFA professional coaches.

Gary Neville, who played for Manchester United, said: "Rezzil is at the forefront of the virtual reality revolution. It allows people to experience unprecedented sports experience, athlete training, and the key is not to increase their load. For those who want to keep the best players. For physical coaches, this is a key consideration because it can ensure that players can perform to their best on the court."

Player 22 will be released on the Quest Store on July 29 and will provide a series of sports-based games to help improve users’ cognitive abilities, concentration, reaction time, coordination and control.

from: news.nweon.com/87883

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