Microsoft: HoloLens 3 will be a full leap forward, and it is also developing consumer-grade AR glasses

2021-05-15 The article translated by software

The original HoloLens is a platform for work and entertainment, but with the launch of HoloLens 2, Microsoft has been encouraging everyone to focus more on enterprise use cases. However, when participating in "The Future of Everything Festival" in The Wall Street Journal recently, HoloLens head Alex Kipman (Alex Kipman) made another comment on the consumer version of the headset a few days ago, and once again confirmed that Microsoft did indeed It is exploring the development of AR glasses for the mass market.

When the host asked whether Microsoft would provide a consumer version of HoloLens, the creator of HoloLens replied: "In short, we want to lead the mixed reality. HoloLens is by far the highest standard, the fastest sales, and the largest number of users. Mixed reality equipment. Once again, we are proud of this achievement and we will continue to push it forward. But if you don’t enter the consumer market, you can’t lead a new computing medium. So we definitely have Exploring the consumer path for HoloLens. I am happy to confirm this and tell everyone that this is a very important part of our strategy. But back to the previous topic, we can't worry... This is probably for a reasonable reason. I will tell you the answer. For today’s technology and the price of $3,500, I don’t think it is a consumer product. For our industry, this is an amazing product and at the same time a A revolutionary product, but it’s not a consumer product. Once we can achieve the proper immersion, immersion is the key, you can’t just provide lightweight notifications...and then assume that it’s a consumer product . You need HoloLens 2++-level immersion and socially recognized glasses form."

As for how to achieve real immersive AR glasses, Kipman explained: "I will explain: HoloLens 2 weighs about 500 grams and consumes about 8 watts of power. To achieve comfortable AR smart glasses, the number of 500 grams needs to be Under 90 grams, 8 watts need to be reduced to under 2 watts. So I need to include immersive elements that increase energy consumption and weight on the one hand, but on the other hand I need to reduce the overall weight by more than 5 times to reduce power consumption More than 4 times."

He further confirmed that Microsoft is indeed developing a consumer-friendly AR smart glasses: "When you wear HoloLens 2, how do we share the weight? Bones. (your) skull. According to the design, we made this device Will not touch your nose or ears... If I want to wear (AR smart glasses), I have to carry the weight to the cartilage, and the human engineering of how to do this comfortably is unclear. We are definitely working hard. . But I have nothing to say about'when (meet you)' today, but ensuring that we can continue to inspire and lead the progress in the mixed reality field is definitely part of our strategy."

It is worth mentioning that Kipman was also asked about HoloLens 3 again in the interview. Of course, he once again replied that the team is indeed developing, and this device is not an incremental optimization, but will represent a "leap forward" in technology, design and comfort.


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