Facebook provides financial support to free and open source game engine Godot Engine

2020-12-12 The article translated by software

Godot Engine is a non-profit free open source game engine, and aims to authorize and help all users develop 2D and 3D game content. Facebook recently announced that its Facebook Reality Labs has provided funding to the Godot Engine project.

For this funding, Facebook Reality Labs hopes to further support the team to build cross-platform OpenXR support, so as to help developers build fascinating and immersive content.

Facebook said: “As fans of the Godot Engine project and its mission, we at Facebook have been discussing with the team on how to help them for some time. We are very excited to announce that Facebook Reality Labs has provided a fund to support the Godot Engine project."

Godot Engine initially provided alpha version AR/VR support in October 2017, using an "ARVR Server architecture" that allowed different AR/VR platforms to communicate with the engine. Godot 3.0, released in February 2018, began to provide full XR support and is compatible with OpenVR through GDNative-based plug-ins.

Facebook hopes that this funding can help Godot Engine become a tool that can better help the VR development community.

from: news.nweon.com/81382

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